
In the world of conflict resolution, mediation stands as a beacon of hope, offering a path to resolution that sidesteps the adversarial nature of traditional litigation. At Grayfords, we understand the complexities of disputes and the importance of finding amicable solutions, so in this blog post, we explore the role of mediation in resolving disputes…

Child support is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being of children after a separation or divorce. Our infographic breaks down the key points you should understand about child support, from its definition and determination to modification and enforcement. Remember, the child’s best interests always take precedence in these matters. For a more detailed understanding…

Fewer couples being referred to mediation by solicitors New information released this week shows that fewer and fewer couples are being referred to mediation by solicitors, instead seeking out mediation services themselves. The National Family Mediation service (NFM) statistics show that in the last year, the number of self-referrals rose from 19% to 51%. It…